Insurance Read Time: 4 min


成年的过渡是一个令人兴奋的新阶段,标志着真正的独立. 你可能已经大学毕业了,找到了第一份工作,甚至租了第一套公寓. With this new freedom come real responsibilities, 包括保护自己免受生活中出现的财务风险.


Once you are no longer covered on your parent(s) policy, you will need to find insurance coverage in your name. It can be expensive for a young driver, 所以考虑货比三家,寻找最优惠的价格,学习各种管理成本的方法, such as coverage and deductible elections.


如果你要搬进公寓,你应该考虑租客保险. You may not think you’ve accumulated much in value, 但是当你计算更换电脑的成本时, electronic equipment, HD-TV, your clothes, etc., it can run into thousands of dollars. Renter’s insurance can be inexpensive. When shopping for a policy, ask about whether it includes liability coverage, 如果有人在你的公寓里受伤,哪个可以保护你.


医疗保险通常是通过雇主获得的. However, 如果你的雇主不提供健康保险计划, you have two choices for obtaining coverage.

第一个是通过你父母的健康保险计划来维持覆盖范围. 联邦法律允许父母将成年子女保留到26岁. This choice may be relatively inexpensive, 所以你可能想问问你的父母,把你加入他们的保险计划每月的保险费是多少.

Another idea is to purchase a policy directly, either through a private insurer, the federal health insurance exchange (HealthCare.Gov),或者通过州交换,如果你居住的州有的话.


你唯一最有价值的资产是你未来的赚钱能力. 当涉及到你的经济生存时,你的工作能力和收入是必不可少的. Incurring a disability, even for a short period of time, can have substantial economic consequences, 使残疾保险成为人生这个阶段最重要的保险需求之一.

请记住,本文仅供参考,不能替代现实生活中的建议, 因此,在实施包括残疾保险在内的策略之前,一定要咨询你的法律专业人士.


Since a young, 单身成年人通常没有其他人依靠他或她的能力谋生.g.(如子女、受抚养的父母),一些人认为对人寿保险的需求是最低的.

However, due to a long life expectancy at this young age, life insurance coverage can be very inexpensive. 你可能想要考虑获得一些保险,以便在你有家属之前利用低利率和良好的健康状况.

有几个因素会影响人寿保险的费用和可得性, including age, health and the type and amount of insurance purchased. 人寿保险单有费用,包括死亡和其他费用. If a policy is surrendered prematurely, 保单持有人还可能支付退保费并涉及所得税. 在实施涉及人寿保险的策略之前,你应该考虑确定你是否可以投保. 任何与保单相关的保证都取决于开证保险公司继续支付索赔的能力.

Extended Care

鉴于有限的财政资源,延长护理保险可能是低优先级. Nevertheless, 你可能想和你的父母谈谈长期护理保险如何帮助保护他们退休后的经济安全.

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