
1月. 准备迎接崭新的一年吧.

  • Write down the major financial events you anticipate in the next few years. That will help guide a discussion about whether your portfolio reflects your short- and long-term goals.
  • Update your personal net worth to account for any significant changes in the past year.
  • 仔细检查你的雇主赞助的退休计划. 在决定贡献多少时, make certain to check whether your employer offers a matching program.

2月. 这个月,不要忘记你的财务检查.

  • Take a moment to check on your various insurance programs and coverage amounts. Draw up a list of questions if you believe they no longer reflect your lifestyle.
  • Create a list of your top-three major expenses scheduled for the year.
  • Take a minute and create a list of your monthly subscription services.

3月. 春天进入春天.

  • 你现在应该已经收到大部分税务文件了. Start organizing your important documents so you can complete your federal and state returns.
  • 检查你的信用报告. 所有的你.S. Citizens are entitled to a free copy of their credit report every 12 months from the national credit reporting agencies.

4月. 交税的时间正是时候.

  • 纳税申报单通常在4月15日午夜之前到期. If you need to request a six-month extension, you still need to pay any taxes due by 4月 15.
  • 4月 15 is also the last day to contribute to most retirement accounts for the prior year.
  • Don’t forget that first-quarter estimated income tax payments are due by 4月 15.

五月. 现在是夏天,财务准备很容易.

  • 创建或更新您的家庭和个人财产清单. Use your phone and reliable digital-backup service to record and store videos of your valuable possessions.
  • Take a look at your estate strategy, and see if it continues to reflect your family’s wishes. 去年有结婚或离婚的吗? 你的家庭是否迎来了一个新的孩子或孙子?

6月. 明年已经过半了.

  • 看看你的钱的“来源和用途”. 这是你所期望的,还是你正在考虑做出调整?
  • Don’t forget second-quarter estimated income tax payments are due by 6月 17.
  • Your college-bound child may want to consider completing their Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA). 它可能会显示可用的助学金或奖学金. 然而,FAFSA本月就结束了,所以不要拖延.

7月. 回顾到目前为止的一年.

  • 刷新你的理财技能. Add at least one book on personal finance, economics, or investing to your summer reading list.
  • 回顾过去的6个月. Are there any financial takeaways you can apply to the remainder of the year?

8月. 是时候回学校了.

  • As children or grandchildren get ready for school, create a strategy to help pay for the expenses. There are a number of educational funding choices, and one may be a fit for your situation.

9月. 穿毛衣的天气到了.

  • Most companies begin “open enrollment” for their insurance plans in the following months. Prepare now by looking at your current health plan and considering whether it meets your needs. 医疗保险将于11月开始开放注册.
  • 检查你的信用卡福利和积分. 随着假期的临近,你可能会得到一笔交易.
  • Don't forget third-quarter estimated income tax payments are due by 9月 16.

10月. 别忘了准备招待不给糖就捣蛋的人.

  • 如果你的孩子要去上大学 明年, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) window opens once again on 10月 1. Encourage your child to complete the FAFSA as early as possible to increase their chances at available scholarships and grants.
  • File your income tax return by 10月 15 if you requested a six-month extension back in 4月.
  • If you want to establish a retirement plan outside of your work-sponsored program, you must open the account by your tax filing deadline plus any extensions, 对大多数人来说哪一天是10月15日.
  • Medicare open enrollment begins, providing your opportunity to drop or switch plan coverage.

11月. 这是表达感恩的最佳月份.

  • Review your charitable giving and update any funding strategies, if needed.
  • 注意资本利得派息. 投资 companies typically distribute capital gains in 12月, 到11月, 他们通常公布对其分布的估计.
  • 医疗保健.gov open enrollment begins, Medicare Part A and B premiums and deductibles announced.

12月. 给充满希望和善意的一年画上句号.

  • 如果你是73岁或以上, don’t forget to take your annual required minimum distribution (RMD) by 12月 31.
  • 你可以申请一份年度社会保障报表. Compare your earnings record against your old tax returns for accuracy. This is also an excellent time to check for other irregularities to prevent identity theft.

The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. 请咨询法律或税务专业人士 获取有关您个人情况的具体信息. This material was developed and produced by love爱博体育app下载 to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. 消费品, 有限责任公司, 不隶属于指定的经纪自营商, 国家或证券交易委员会注册的投资咨询公司. 所表达的意见和 所提供的资料仅供一般参考, 并且不应该被认为是对购买或 出售任何证券. 版权 love爱博体育app下载.


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Determine your potential long-term care needs and how long your current assets might last.


