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An orchestra is merely a collection of instruments, each creating a unique sound. It is only when a conductor leads them that they produce the beautiful music imagined by the composer.


The typical retirement strategy is built on the pillars of your 401(k) plan, 你的传统IRA账户, 和应税储蓄. Getting the instruments of your retirement to work in concert has the potential to help you realize the retirement you imagine.1


Maximizing the effectiveness of your retirement strategy begins with understanding the hierarchy of savings.

If you’re like most Americans, the amount you can save for retirement is not unlimited. 因此, you may want to make sure that your savings are directed to the highest priority retirement funding options first. 对于许多, 这个等级制度从401(k)开始。, 之后是传统IRA和, 在那之后, 用于应税储蓄.

You will then want to consider how to invest each of these savings pools. One strategy is to simply mirror your desired asset allocation in all retirement accounts.2

Another approach is to put the income-generating portion of the allocation, 比如债券, 转入递延纳税账户, while using taxable accounts to invest in assets whose gains come from capital appreciation, 像股票一样.3


When it comes to living off your savings, you’ll want to coordinate your withdrawals. One school of thought recommends that you tap your taxable accounts first so that your tax-deferred savings will be afforded more time for potential growth.

Another school of thought suggests taking distributions first from your poorer performing retirement accounts, 既然这些钱对你来说没有那么辛苦.

最后, because many individuals have both traditional and Roth IRA accounts, your expectations about future tax rates may affect what account you withdraw from first. (如果你认为税率会更高, then you might want to withdraw from the traditional before the Roth). 如果你不确定, you may want to consider withdrawing from the traditional up to the lowest tax bracket, 然后从罗斯基金中撤资.4

无论如何, each person’s circumstances are unique and any strategy ought to reflect your particular risk tolerance, 时间范围, 和目标.

1. “根据《爱博体育app下载》, 在大多数情况下, you must begin taking required minimum distributions from your 401(k), 传统的爱尔兰共和军, 或者在你73岁那年参加其他固定缴款计划. 从401(k)计划中提取, 传统的爱尔兰共和军 or other defined contribution plans are taxed as ordinary income, 如果在59岁半之前服用, 可能要缴纳10%的联邦所得税罚款. 401(k) plans and IRAs have exceptions to avoid the 10% withdrawal penalty, 包括死亡和伤残. Contributions to a traditional IRA may be fully or partially deductible, 这取决于你的个人情况.
2. 资产配置是一种帮助管理投资风险的方法. 资产配置并不能保证不发生投资损失.
3. The market value of a bond will fluctuate with changes in interest rates. 随着利率的上升,现有债券的价值通常会下降. 如果投资者在到期前出售债券, 它的价值可能高于或低于最初的购买价格. By holding a bond to maturity an investor will receive the interest payments due plus his or her original principal, 禁止发行人违约. 投资s seeking to achieve higher yields also involve a higher degree of risk. The return and principal value of stock prices will fluctuate as market conditions change. And shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost.
4. Roth IRA contributions cannot be made by taxpayers with high incomes. To qualify for the tax-free and penalty-free withdrawal of earnings, Roth IRA distributions must meet a five-year holding requirement and occur after age 59½. 税-free and penalty-free withdrawal can also be taken under certain other circumstances, 比如屋主死亡的结果. The original Roth IRA owner is not required to take minimum annual withdrawals.

The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. 请咨询法律或税务专业人士 获取有关您个人情况的具体信息. This material was developed and produced by love爱博体育app下载 to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. love爱博体育app下载不隶属于指定的经纪自营商, 国家或证券交易委员会注册的投资咨询公司. 所表达的意见和 所提供的资料仅供一般参考, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or 出售任何证券. 版权 love爱博体育app下载.


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